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I am disaster served on a platter of gold...

I am a dark young Prince,
A smoke in my Father's kingdom,
For I am a brother to none and a companion to one.

I can hear the songs of my deeds,
And how it fills the atmosphere with an aura of darkness,
For I have created beasts from the shadows of the night,
And taught them to hunt.

I have broken the jaws of royalty and sold its teeth to the masses,
A gift they embraced that we may become a kingdom of dark Princes.

I am a parable from the lips of the sphinx,
For I am a brother to none and a companion to greed.

We are a kingdom of fools,
For the crown lay idle without a head to sit.
We are disasters served on a platter of gold...
We are Green and White flags
Cheating ourselves of true royalty.



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