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...and all hell was let loose.

Francis didn't come alone. His time at the Mushin Monastery has earned him friends even though he was regarded as a failure for breaking his vow and leaving in search of love. He had put a call through to some of the Mushin Monks who remained his friend and they had emerged from the shadows.

The place became a war zone as bullets and arrows were flying dangerously across the valley. Francis had no time for little battles as his mind was set on the price- saving his wife.

He spotted Jagaban retreating into a building and he followed him. As he entered into the building he could see his already unconscious wife tied to an iron pole in the middle of the basement. As he looked closely, he was able to make out a red light beeping right at the middle of her breasts and realised there was a bomb on her.

His countenance changed and his eyes began to burn with anger.

"Here's your jewel... Safe and sound", Jagaban jeered softly.

"If anything happens to her, you're a dead man", Francis threatened with his shaky voice echoing through the basement.

"Let's play a game", Jagaban said.

"You and I... Let's fight for your jewel".

"Whoever wins takes the prize", he continued with a wry smile on his lips.

"You bastard!", Francis retorted.

"Hold on! I'm not finished yet", Jagaban pointed out.

"The ruby strapped to your Jewel is counting down from ten minutes. So if there's no winner before time, we both lose the prize", he explained as he let out an hysterical laugh.

Meanwhile, the battle was beginning to get really bloody outside. Dead bodies were piling up as Jagaban's men couldn't withstand the speed and pace of the Mushin Monks who were simply appearing and disappearing in and out of the shadows.

But the more men the Monks killed, the more the men that arrives, and they were beginning to wonder when the frenzy of attacks would die out. They never expected that the valley will be filled with so many men.

"Shall we begin?", Jagaban asked as he put down his rifle.

"Yaaaarrrrrhhhh!", Francis screamed as he charged towards Jagaban who himself was ready to roll.

In anger Francis threw three quick fire punches which were easily parried by Jagaban.

"You thought you were going to have it easy eh?", he boasted as he prepared to launch his own attack.

Leaping backwards, Francis was able to quickly see through Jagaban's move as he blocked his first and second attempts.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!", Francis screamed as he felt a sharp pain from his ribs...     [[ be continued...]]



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