Come forth my dear,
And take thou my heart,
The time now is here,
Come rip me apart.
Goddess amongst queens,
My thoughts is thine home,
Wash me of my scenes,
Mark me to my bones.
Lit me with thine lips,
And make my soul burn,
Swing swiftly thine hips,
And be my night sun.
Oh listen my love,
And teach me to trust,
That tough bends and curves,
May not get me lost.
Do conquer my throne,
And there daily dwell,
For I left alone,
May head straight to hell.
And do be my root,
Hold me firmly down,
Be Queen fair and cute,
While I be your Crown.
Come forth my dear,
Do take thou my heart,
The time now is here,
Come make lust depart.
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