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Testimony is a rewarder of men
Whose sight has been framed to look beyond the tangible walls
Where hope has cried out her tears.

I am testimony,
And I have found foundation at the horizon
Where the sun sleeps after it sets.
And to find me is to look without looking.

Although, stars would shine without being polished,
But never will their light radiate until darkness comes.
And for this reason they must tarry,
Till the day has no light and darkness declare the night.

I have persuaded men to see and learn,
From those who embraced me even when they saw me not,
For they returned with rewards as inheritance,
And hope smiled again.

I will continue to tarry,
Until you make the wind your messenger,
And he carries your words to the still waters.
Until I see the waters rise and walk on the strength of faith
And challenge fate to keep his promises.

Then will I reward you.
For you now understand without trying to understand,
That you are the evidence of that which you hope for,
And the sacrifice for the substance which you see not.



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