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My heart yearns ,
For your fresh love anew,
Beating over and again,
Asking for more of you.

My lips dumb and dry,
Waiting on your kisses of dew,
A watering and wetting afresh,
Wanting for more of you.

My eyes looks forward to,
Always view your radiant hue,
Speaking to and feasting itself on you,
Solemnly seeking more of you.

My nose longs for your smell,
To fish you out from a million queue,
Knows you perfectly well,
And reaching for more of you.

My ear listens for your voice,
Waiting to hear an obvious cue,
Sweet, sonorous and poise,
Conscious for more of you.

My skin alert and attentive,
Desiring for a touch anew,
Receptors standing like sentries,
Vigilant for more of you.


[[Culled from "Leodership Magazine (issue 2)"


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