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"Every bright new morning,
I arise to the command of my lord,
And ridded off my free will,
I imitate his actions and words.

I go where he goes,
And stay where he stays,
Since my fate has been sealed,
With him I'd be till the end of his days.

As much as I look lifeless,
My importance cannot be overemphasized,
With all things I have been prominently placed,
Emphatically waiting on the wise.

The use for me to realise,
Like stars are to the skies,
To utilize his full splendor,
Harbouring no regrets after he dies.

If at all time my lord is aware of my presence,
His actions would be coated with bravos,
If with my lord I were to trade place,
I'd be fully conscious of my shadow.

Truth is a jealous mistress,
Which is what I speak,
Her hidden self would be understood,
Only to those who seek.

It's disheartening my lord seems not to wonder,
Why fate placed me so close and not yonder."

Adorned with a diadem of sunshine,
Chanting with pitch soft,
Beside you lay that warning sign,
Hearken! It's your Shadow's thought.



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