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How sweet are the songs of the night?
Where there are no sounds,
For the ear listens to its own voice,
Releasing soft musical tones.

There are balances in rhythms,
But silence is perfect for the ears.
It takes hold of the drums
And beats them to sleep.

One may wonder,
Does the ear ever rest?
Yet, silence when it breaks forth,
Becomes a sweet lullaby.

How soothing are the rhythms of silence,
That it gives warmth to a cold soul,
And hunts the stress that strains upon him.

A deaf man knows too well every pattern of this rhythm. 
That hr can see noise from afar off,
And smell disturbances from miles away.

Why then do we rage with noise,
And war with disturbances?

Shouldn't we bask in the rhythms of silence,
And learn how to be deaf?



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