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In stinging reverberant silence,
Where the cloud darkens in uncertainty,
The trees nod in regrets,
And the ocean dies a still-tear.
Amidst this silence sat I,
Perturbed and flustered.

Filled with obsession,
I scurried into an affair,
Inherently clandestine,
Through this love waded I,
Concealed in hidden codes,
Excitingly igniting.

In a race for the future,
My all I did gave,
From the least to the most,
That there be,
Just one possibility,
Of non-restriction.

But I was weeded,
In silence's sharp shock,
Coiled within its razor,
Of gutlessness,
And wordlessness,
An utmost transfixion.

In this sanctuary seated I,
Watching my lifelong obsession,
Slip into the grasp,
Of another,
At the altar,
Of a lifetime.

And I could hear the priest...
"... Or forever remain silent".
And I did,
For I was haunted
And devoured,
By bloodhounds of silence.

My efforts and struggles,
Was summed up,
In vain and futility.
For through the past six years,
I had been on a wild-goose chase,
On the bridle path of silence.



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