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SCREAMS (from broken homes)


...of a gradual waste...

...of screams...

I am a season,


Through spells of rains and drought,


I am a sapling,

Growing in a drought-stricken earth,

That I am without strength,

To rise above this dearth.

Halt! And observe...

I am a woman,

Swept  by the direction of the wind,

In weakness of no shame,

Gallivanting around as a public ball,

Wandering aimlessly as I roll from feet to feet,

Wasting in the cheapness of abundance,

And hearkening to the call of screams,

With no meaningful honour.


A sweetened-sour wine,


And concocting severe fantasies,

Of nigh bed of roses,

Masking the thorns,

Allowing those under its influence,

Yearn to be screams-

Screams of desolation.

Of recurring screams...

I am a curse,

Refusing to be broken,

Feeding on weaknesses, 

And strips of puzzles left unsolved.

I am the curse you detested,

The drought you created,

The music of "set-me-free" you sang,

I danced your tune and sang along...

I am the screams of broken homes.


Read: Screams (from my Fatherland) 👇👇👇


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