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There are changes...
I have marked a boundary for the past,
For old things are passed away...

I say a prayer of two parts.
That my Will will not wheel me off the edge,
And that my bliss miss the kisses of betrayal.
But I am a scene,
And the eyes that sees me
Cannot unsee the naked prey within my innocent eyes.

But there are changes...
I have marked a boundary for the past,
For old things are passed away...

Loneliness has become my closest buddy,
For we sit and talk daily at the horizon of insanity,
With laughter and music where voice is dead and hearing numb.
I am a scene,
And the scene is a quiet noise.

There are changes...
I have marked a boundary for the past,
For old things are passed away...
I have no use for friends,
All things have become new,
For I have them plenty as voices in my head.



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