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This is,
Of nightmares in daydreams...

We flee from the sudden chase of heavy harms,
Bursting out from frightening dreams.
The hot pursuits that flashes past
Like lightning over cloudy skies.

We saw sore, shelter in the blood,
Whistling out a call to find aids,
Even as hunger was betrayed,
And tongue wails as scary birds flew.

Fleets of Ebola fevered our voices
Rising from the shores like angry waters
To drown our rats in the poison of their own fever.

Our defences ran naked every single time,
Till it becomes a passage that leads
From frightening dreams to pleasant images.

Beneath this angry shower,
Comes yet another nightmare.
A corona,
That comes in to lit the lungs from dark shades.
A chase by moonlight that stretches into daylight.

We flee on
From this sudden chase of heavy hounds,
Holding on to the hope
That our defences would run them out
And save our neck once again.


(Published in "Raven Cage Ezine #44")


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