Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...
I am like a passing cloud
Amongst clouds,
Eating myself up in little chunks of tiny droplets.
A restless dungeon,
Constantly banging of clanging chains.
Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...
I am a brother to the wind,
Consumed by the fire of burning feets.
The accursed breath,
Racing fast towards a shallow grave.
Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...
I am a moving brink,
Whose heart beats till it crushes time out.
For I am the beginning and the end of time,
The very breath that fuels its motion.
Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...
I am a sick hour,
A dying minute,
And a gasping second.
Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
I am a steady runner,
Racing to my very grave.
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