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Shall I attempt to break a Poet into pieces of expression?

How beautiful is the light of thoughts
And the splendour of the mind?
More so, how astounding is the symphony
That wells up from the throat of shadows.

A Poet is a warrior!

This path is a dark one,
Where great words gather in the bosom of shadows,
Shedding wordsmiths into unversed verses,
Of pictures...
Arousing the stubborn voice that seeks to turn the tides.

The burden of nobility lay upon his shoulders,
And the blood of a billion lives runs through his veins.
He gets lost,
In the screams of voices,
Till he finds the sense of freedom,
That finally teaches him to survive.

A Poet is a warrior!

Swift is the beat of his heart.
Galloping on the strides of words,
Till he champions the cause for which he battles.

In this battle with ages,
He dies and is reborn over and over again.
He is the strength of a million years,
A bright light glowing from the depths of Shadows...

Until conviction dies.


(Published in "Raven Cage Ezine #45")


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