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..."Aaaarrrrggghhhh!", Francis screamed as he felt a sharp pain from his ribs.

He hurriedly pulled himself away.

"How did I not see that coming?", he spoke to himself as he looked up to analyze Jagaban's fighting stance.

Jagaban was making a swerving movement around the same axis with his two hands few inches away from his chest. A balled fist on his right hand and a half balled fist with two fingers dangling on his left hand.
Francis remembered that move vividly. It was the only move he was meant to learn in other to attain Monkdom before he chose to quit.

"The disappearing fist! Where did you learn that?", he asked.

"Oh! Alhaji Ahmed never told you!", Jagaban said with a witty smile on his face.

"I am his first student and his only true son. You made a very big mistake crashing my party son."

"We'd see about that", Francis said as his eyes caught a glimpse of a 1:35 red light blinking from his wife's bosom.


Francis released two quick arrows as he charged fiercely towards Jagaban who side stepped twice to evade the arrows. But just as he was about regaining his balance...


It was the sound of a knife piercing his belly. He had been distracted by the arrows that he didn't see the approaching Francis who stole the opportunity to stab him. Francis quickly removed the knife and stabbed him a second time.

" Urrrrrrgggggghh! Urrrrrrgggggghhhh!!"...

Jagaban gave a painful groan as he fell on his knees with dark blood streaming down his belly.

Seeing that Jagaban was down, Francis dropped the knife and ran straight to his wife to remove the bomb strapped on her.

"Wake up Baby", he said as he carefully unstrapped the bomb from her body.

Suddenly there was a


Three bombs exploded consecutively, reducing the valley to a rubble.

Unknown to Francis, while he was trying to save his wife, a sprawling Jagaban had reached for the trigger to a self-destruct bomb which he has had planted in several locations of the valley just in case he met a worthy opponent.

He had always been fascinated by the Biblical story of Samson and how he died killing himself with his enemies. This had inspired him to create a failproof plan for a situation like this.

As the smoke and dust dwindled, Francis opened his eyes, let out a cough and found his way out from underneath the rubble.

"Baby! Baby!! Baby!!!"

He screamed continuously as he went in search of his wife whom he found lifeless, buried beneath a pile of rubble.


His scream echoed across the valley before he fell into an uncontrollable sob.

He looked around him and that was when he realised that everyone was dead. Everyone, including his friends from the Mushin Monastery.

He was devastated. His life had taken a huge plunge and he had no reason to live on. His wife was dead and he couldn't return to the Monastery.

His parents warning flashed through his memory once more... He wished he had listened. Tears streamed down his cheek as he picked a gun and pointed it to his skull...

"Gbaaaaaooooowwwww!", the trigger popped.

                     [[THE END]]



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