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Within every being
Lies a daredevil willing to break free,
Working endlessly
To devour its alternate reflection.

Within every man
Lies a thug,
Patiently expecting
Unfolding events to get a shot at recognition.

Within every man
Lies a liar,
Naturally gifted
At important times
To twist the tide of believe to his advantage.

When called a daredevil,
We regard it as evil,
Acting out to be saints,
And disguising character with paints.

When called a thug,
We flare up in anger,
Reacting and overreacting,
But isn't that the thug way?

When called a liar,
We deny,
Even when we know we did lie.
Funny enough, we have it rebranded,
With quotes expanded...
"White lies aren't lies",
"Business lies are business strategies".
But remember,
The father of lies,
Is the cover-up for a lie.

Within every being is a saint,
As little as can be,
From the assassins
To the clerics.

But when called a saint,
Deep within us we know we're not.
Because subsequently,
Within every being are hidden rots.



  1. ...Lies a daredevil willing to break free ...

    true words

  2. Thank you very much Sir James. I appreciate your kind words.


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